Saturday, 17 October 2015

In search of Shrikhande family roots: A trip to a remote village in Goa

One of the most enduring memories of my childhood is the story behind our family name: Shrikhande. I was told that the Shrikhande family tree had roots in Korgaon, a small village near Mapusa, North Goa. Our ancestor was a priest in the temple of Shri Kamleshwar Maharudra. It is said that this priest led the protest against proselytisation by Christian missionaries under Portuguese occupation and was beheaded for his resistance. His family took refuge in Kolhapur/Satara and subsequently the title of Shrikhande was conferred on them (Shrikhande = Shir + Khande = the beheaded).

We had an opportunity to visit the temple and site where the beheading had supposedly taken place and it is my pleasure to share the pictures from that visit (29 March 2013).


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Manish. I am Ravindra Shrikhande. We had been there. Does the Sansthan have a website ? How do I send donation to the Mandir ?

Devika said...

We also visited today

Devika said...

Today me and my husband visited this site proud to be there

Devika said...

Please respond

Manish Shrikhande said...

Hello Devika.

I am sorry for the delayed response. I do not keep track of my social media posts hence the delay. I am glad that you found this post about our Kuldaivat useful and could relate with it. Where are you located? Please feel free to visit us whenever it is convenient for you. I can be reached at m.shrikhande [at] gmail [dot] com

Looking forward to hear from you.